

Jumaat, Mac 25, 2011

Khasiat daun kari

Info dari - Laman-Seri

Pokok kari adalah tumbuhan tropika hingga sub-tropika, yang berasal India. Tumbuhan renek ini yang adalah daripada spesies murraya koeniggi dalam keluarga rutaceae yang mengeluarkan daun-daun kecil berwarna hijau dan berbunga putih. Tumbuhan ini agak lasak walaupun sebenarnya ia menyukai tanah yang subur dan kaya dengan mineral. Nama spesies herba murraya koenigii yang diambil sempena memperingati ahli botani Johann König.

Pokok kari juga dikenali sebagai 'kariveppilai' dalam bahasa Tamil, juga dikenali sebagai karipulei, kari-kari, veppu-neem dan daun ilai. Dalam bahasa Kannada, ia dipanggil ‘neem hitam’, kerana daunnya mirip dengan pohon neem yang pahit, walaupun ia tiada kaitan langsung dengan pokok neem. Pokok kari juga tiada berkaitan dengan daun salam (bay leaf) dan daun kemangi (basil leaf) iaitu daun yang aromatik dari Mediterranean .

Pokok kari

Pokok kari boleh tumbuh sehingga ketinggian antara 4 hingga 6 meter, dengan ukur lilit batang yang boleh membesar sehingga 40cm. Daunnya menyirip dengan 11-21 helaian pada satu-satu sirip atau lebaran, setiap helaian daun berukuran antara 2-4 cm panjang dan 1-2 cm lebar. Daun kari sangat aromatik.

Pokok kari biasanya ditanam di halaman rumah kerana kegunaan sebagai rempah dalam masakan terutamanya dalam masakan kari. Daun kari mempunyai aroma yang kuat dan mempunyai rasa agak pahit. Ia disebut daun kari kerana digunakan untuk membuat kari dan ia digunakan secara meluas dalam kebanyakan masakan di Tamil Nadu di selatan India . Ia tidak hanya digunakan dalam masakan kari tetapi dalam masakan lain seperti rasam, vada, thoran, chutney, kadhi, murukku dan lain-lain lagi.

Bunga pokok kari

Bunganya kecil berwarna putih kekuningan dan mempunyai aroma yang sangat harum.

Buahnya kecil, sebesar terung pipit, berwarna hijau ketika muda dan bertukar ke ungu berkilau setelah matang. Buahnya boleh dimakan, tetapi biji benihnya dikatakan beracun. Agaknya, sebab itulah buahnya yang ranum ini tidak diganggu serangga atau burung...

Pokok kari boleh membiak melalui biji benih, keratan batang dan anak yang tumbuh dari akarnya. Selain ditanam di halaman rumah kerana daunnya ia juga ditanam sebagai tumbuhan hiasan.

Hasil kajian mendapati daun kari mengandungi:

  • 66.3% kelembapan
  • 6.1% protein
  • 1.0% lemak
  • 16.0% karbohidrat
  • 6.4% fiber

Daun kari juga mengandungi mineral dan vitamin seperti kalsium, fosforus, zat besi, asid nikotinik dan vitamin C. Ia juga mengandungi volatile oil dan sejenis glukosid yang dipanggil koenigiin.

Daun kari mempunyai khasiat perubatan yang tinggi dan digunakan dengan meluas dalam perubatan Ayurveda di India. Daun kari mempunyai nilai sebagai antioksidan, anti-diabetes, antimikrob, anti-inflamasi, Hepatoprotektor, anti-hiperkolesterolemia dan lain-lain lagi. Daun kari juga dikatakan baik untuk penjagaan rambut yang panjang dan sihat. Selain dari itu daun kari juga dapat mencegah uban. Kulit pokok, daun dan akar pokok daun kari digunakan sebagai tonik. Pucuk daun muda juga boleh dibuat ulam.

Daun kari boleh dijadikan tonik herba untuk menguatkan perut dan meningkatkan keupayaannya serta mengatasi masalah penghadaman. Ia juga boleh digunakan sebagai laksatif (julap) lemah untuk mengatasi masalah sembelit. Jus daun kari yang dicampur dengan madu juga dapat menjadi penawar kepada cirit birit dan buasir.

Jus daunnya yang segar dicampur dengan jus limau nipis digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah loya dan pening terutamanya akibat makan lemak yang berlebihan. Caranya dengan mencampurkan satu sudu teh jus daun kari dan satu sudu teh jus limau nipis. Daun kari juga berkesan dalam mengatasi masalah haid dan penyakit gonorea (gonorrhea), menghilangkan rasa loya dan pening-pening lalat bagi wanita mengandung.

Air rebusan kulit batangnya yang kering dapat digunakan untuk mengubat diabetes. Amalan memakan 10 helai daunnya setiap hari selama 3 bulan dikatakan dapat mencegah kencing manis yang disebabkan oleh keturunan dan kegemukan.

Buahnya yang didihkan dengan minyak kelapa hingga kehitaman boleh dihancurkan dan digunakan untuk merawat gigitan serangga dan haiwan berbisa. Daunnya yang dihancurkan dan dijadikan pes boleh digunakan untuk merawat lebam dan bengkak dengan cara menampalnya pada bahagian yang sakit.

Daun kari juga berkesan menyembuhkan penyakit cirit-birit dan penyakit berak darah yang juga disebut disentri. Daun kari dan akarnya juga dikatakan baik untuk peredaran darah dan boleh bertindak sebagai sedatif.

Walaupun terdapat pelbagai kegunaan tumbuhan ini, namun penggunaannnya perlu mendapat nasihat daripada pengamal perubatan untuk mengelakkan kemudaratan di kemudian hari kelak.



Mitos pertama mengenai rambut adalah terlampau kerap bersyampu. Ini boleh menyebabkan rambut mengalami keguguran. Sebenarnya, cara anda menggosok kepala adalah penyebab utama rambut gugur. Cara menggosok kepala yang tidak betul akan mencabut akar rambut. Rambut yang gugur 50-100 helai sehari adalah perkara normal. Ini berlaku kerana rambut juga perlukan generasi. Jika jumlah rambut gugur lebih daripada jumlah yang dihadkan, maka anda mengalami masalah rambut gugur. Masalah itu terjadi mungkin disebabkan oleh fungsi tubuh anda terganggu, stress dan kurang vitamin.


Ada juga di kalangan wanita mengatakan bahawa mayonis adalah perapi rambut yang baik. Ia terbukti apabila ada di kalangan personaliti barat menggunakancara yang sama untuk mendapatkan rambut yang cantik. Malahan cara ini sering menjadi ikutan dan terus meletakkan status petua sebagai berkesan.

Jika dilihat secara asasnya mayonis diperbuat daripada campuran telur, minyak dan cuka. Memang benar bahawa bahan-bahan ini adalah perapi yang baik. Tapi anda harus ingat, tidak semua rambut serasi dengan bahan-bahan tersebut.
Misalnya bagi rambut berminyak, sebaiknya hindari penggunaan minyak yang banyak. Rambut yang kering dan kulit kepala yang sensitif pula, hindarkan penggunaan cuka. Ingat juga, setelah menggunakan mayonis sebagai perapi, basuhlah dengan bersih kerana dikhuatiri lubang pori-pori akan tersumbat.

Air hujan

Biasanya, air tadahan hujan dikatakan baik dijadikan air mandi dan membasuh rambut. Hal ini kerana, air tadahan datang daripada sumber semulajadi. Hujan yang turun daripada langit dapat ditadah terus menerus tanpa ditambah dengan klorin.

Perkara ini mungkin praktikal pada zaman dahulu. Anda harus sedar, udara kini kotor. Banyak pencemaran terjadi di muka bumi. Awan pula menakung air yang datang dari bumi. Justeru, air hujan tidak boleh dikatakan bersih dan baik untuk rambut. Dikhuatiri air yang ditadah adalah air hujan asid.

Syampu bayi

Syampu bayi sering dianggap sebagai bahan yang mampu menjadikan rambut wanita dewasa kembali lembut seperti rambut bayi. Sebenarnya, tekaan anda itu salah. Satu-satunya kelebihan menggunakan syampu bayi adalah mata anda tidak pedih.

pH yang terdapat dalam syampu bayi lebih rendah berbanding pH pada syampu orang dewasa. Hal ini kerana kulit kepala bayi masih lembut berbanding kulit kepala orang dewasa. Penggunaan syampu bayi orang dewasa tidak berkesan kerana syampu bayi tidak mampu bekerja secara maksimum pada kulit kepala orang dewasa.


Ramai orang mengatakan bahawa merokok mengakibatkan rambut akan cepat beruban. Kenyataan ini benar sekali. Perokok bakal menanggung risiko cepat beruban 4 kali lebih besar berbanding mereka yang tidak merokok.

Air limau

Ada petua yang mengatakan perahan air lemon boleh mengilatkan rambut. Petua ini mungkin ada kebenarannya namun semuanya bergantung pada warna rambut anda. Sejak dahulu kala, air perahan lemon telah digunakan sebagai bleaching semulajadi pada rambut bewarna terang.

Seperti rambut warna perang atau coklat terang. Rambut yang diusap dengan air perahan limau nampak lebih berkilat jika terkena cahaya matahari. Namun begitu bagi rambut bewarna gelap, termasuk hitam, merah tua atau coklat tua, kilat rambut tidak berkilau.

Selasa, Disember 28, 2010

The Mysterious Socotra Island (Indian Ocean)

Welcome to the Alienlands of Socotra, with strange trees like the Dragon Blood Tree! You would be inclined to think you were transported to another planet - or traveled to another era of Earth’s history. Socotra Island, which is part of a group of four islands, has been geographically isolated from mainland Africa for the last 6 or 7 million years. The archipelago features narrow coastal plains, a limestone plateau with caves, and mountains which rise to 1,525 meters above sea level.

Socotrais a small Yemeni archipelago of four islands and islets in the Indian Ocean off the coast of the Horn of Africa, about 350 kilometers south of the Arabian peninsula.

Like the Galapagos Islands, this island is teeming with 800 extremely rare species of flora and fauna, a full 1/3 of which are endemic, i.e. found nowhere else on Earth.

Socotrais home to more than 800 species of plants, some 240 of which are endemic to the island, and there are certainly many more plant species that have yet to be discovered. The climate is harsh, hot and dry, and yet - the most amazing plant life thrives there.

A Dragon’s Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari) is seen in front of the Skund mountains on the island of Socotra, Yemen. The tree is so named because any injury to the bark results in a deep red liquid excreting from the scar – compared in the past to the "Blood of Dragons".

Dragons Blood Tree

The branches spread out into the sky and from below appear to cover over the landscape like so many flying saucers... and from above they have a distinct mushroom look.

There is also the Desert Rose (adenium obesium) which looks like nothing so much as a blooming elephant leg.

ASocotran Fig Tree (Dorstenia gigas) with a bizare swollen trunk that almost has human proportions grows against a limestone rock face on the island of Socotra. The plants are one of over 300 plant species endemicto the island.

10 Deepest Lakes on Earth

1. Lake Baikal

Also known as the “blue eye of Siberia”, lake Baikal is located in Southern Siberia near R near the Russo-Mongolian border. Famous for being the deepest lake in the world with a maximum depth of 5,369 feet it holds a volume of water larger than that of all the great lakes combined.

Lake Baikal is a great eco-system where more than 1,700 species of flora and fauna live; two thirds of them only to be found here. Completely surrounded by steep mountains and dense forests, the lake has an estimated age of 25-30 million years, making it one of the most ancient lakes in geological history.

However, this enormous water formation may harbor a mystery of immense proportions: a gigantic animal, either of sturgeon-like appearance or a rogue sea serpent; Baikal’s very own Loch Ness Monster. No one can tell for sure if the legend is true or not, but the creature exists in people’s minds and haunts their thoughts.

2. Tanganyika Lake

Divided between Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (45%), Tanzania (41%) and Zambia, Tanganyika is the deepest fresh water lake in Africa and the second in the world with a maximum depth of 4,823 feet. The lake was “mistakenly” discovered in 1858 by two British explorers, Richard Burton and John Speke, in their quest to find the Nile’s source.

A recent story on National Georgraphic talks about a cold-blooded serial killer on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Called Gustave, it was a 20 feet long crocodile that weighted 2,000 pounds and was responsible for killing hundreds of people.

3. Caspian Sea

Between the southern areas of the Russian Federation and northern Iran, lies the largest enclosed body of water on Earth. It’s an endorheic lake with salty water (salinity of approximately 1.2%) that was landlocked due to continental drift 5.5 million years ago. An ancient remnant of the Tethys Ocean, (just like the Black Sea or the Mediterranean Sea) it is the third deepest lake in the world going down to 3,363 feet.

Fauna in the Caspian basin is very rich: great numbers of sturgeon (that’s where you get the great caviar), the Caspian seal and some fish endemic to the Caspian Sea like the Kkturn (Caspian white fish), Caspian roach, Caspian bream and an array of rare species of salmon only to be found in that area.

The Caspian Sea is very rich in energy resources like oil and gas deposits, which have been tapped since the 10th century. These days, the oil in the Caspian basin is supposed to be worth $12 trillion.

4. Lake Vostok

Out of the 140 sub-glacial lakes on earth, Vostok is the largest and the deepest, with a maximum depth of 2,950 feet. Beneath Russia’s Vostok Station, 13,000 feet under the surface of the central Antarctic ice sheet, may be the most unspoiled lake on Earth. British and Russian scientists only discovered it in 1996.

The average water temperature is -3 °C and the reason why it is still liquid below freezing is the high pressure from the weight of the ice above it.

Scientists also discovered that the ice core may be 420,000 years old, meaning that the lake could have been sealed for over 500,000 years and the water beneath could be doubly as old.

So far there isn’t any proof of life in LakeVostok. Notwithstanding this, in case there are species living beneath the murky depths, they are most likely to have evolved special features in order to survive the lake’s oxygen-rich environment.

5. O’Higgins/San Martín Lake

Located in Patagonia, between the Aysén Region and the Santa Cruz Province, the lake is called O’Higgins in Chile and San Martin in Argentina. It is the deepest lake in the Americas with a maximum depth of 2,742 feet (measured near the O’Higgins Glacier). The lake is very irregular consisting of eight well-defined arms with milky light-blue water coming from the suspended rock flour.

The lake is named after South American heroes José de San Martín of Argentina and Bernardo O’Higgins of Chile, who fought together for the liberation of Chile.

6. Lake Malawi

Also known as Lake Nyasa, Lake Malawi is the most southern lake in the East African Rift valley system, located between Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. At 2,316 feet deep, it’s the second deepest lake in Africa and thanks to the tropical waters it has more fish species than any other lake on Earth.

Researchers have studied sediments from core samples of Lake Malawi, which revealed that 100,000 years ago, water levels dropped to about 2,000 feet, turning the land around the lake into semi-desert and arid scrubland habitat. According to some, this may be why early man fled from Africa to colonize other parts of the world.

7. Issyk Kul Lake

In the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the northern Tian Shan mountains, Issyk Kul is an endorheic saline water lake that was supposed to be an ancient metropolis, 2,500 years ago. The average water depth is 1,000 feet while the deepest point goes down to 2,192 feet.

According to the legend, during pre-Islamic times, the king of the Ossounes had donkey’s ears. He managed to hide them however, by killing all his barbers to make sure the secret wouldn’t leak out, yet one day, one of the barbers escaped and yelled the secret into a well and left it uncovered, which caused water to rise and flood the kingdom.

It would be interesting to explore the truths behind this story, as archaeological finds indicated the presence of an advanced ancient civilization where the the Issyk Kul lake is currently located.

8. Great Slave Lake

Also known as the Grand lac des Esclaves after the Slavey North American Indians, it covers 11,000 sq miles in the Northwest Territories of Canada and goes down to 2,015 feet which makes it the deepest lake in North America. Because of the low temperatures in the area, for about eight months of the year, the lake is at least partially frozen, while during winter, the ice is so thick that trailer trucks can pass through.

There is currently no physical evidence to suggest that an unidentified large creature is living in the Great Slave Lake, but many people traveling to the lake have said otherwise. Some talk about a large hump in the water, usually mistaken for a rock until it submerges, or an alligator-like body, with a head like that of a pike.

From his house, a Roman Catholic priest even saw a large dragon-headed creature that rose six to eight feet above the water and moved rapidly on the shores of the lake. The creature was subsequently named Ol’Slavey

9. Crater Lake

With a violent volcanic past, the caldera lake in the Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, is a place of immeasurable beauty. Surrounding cliffs of up to two thousand feet high, two small islands and spectacular blue water, make this “outdoor laboratory” the perfect place for photographers.

Crater lake is the deepest lake in the United States with a maximum depth of 1949 feet. It may also have one of the purest water, in North America, (in terms of absence of pollutants) thanks to the generous amounts of winter snow that supplies it with water.

It was created when Mount Mazama (12,000 feet high) collapsed 7,700 years ago following a large eruption, but the legend has more details. The Klamath Indian tribe talks about a raging war between Llao, the spirit of the Below-World who lived in Mount Mazama, and Skell the spirit of the Above-World.

Llao felt in love with Loha, daughter of the Klamath Indian chief, but got rejected and decided to punish humans with the curse of fire. Skell came in to help and after a long battle he managed to defeat Llao, whom he imprisoned deep down into the Under-World, collapsing the top of the Mount Mazama over. At last he wanted peace and decided to cover the pit with magnificent blue water.

10. Lake Matano

With a tectonic origin and located in South Sulawesi in Indonesia, Lake Matano is an important freshwater resource in the area and the country’s deepest lake, with a maximum depth of 1936 feet. It drains from Patea River and later flows through a waterfall into Lake Mahalona (the Malili Lakes).
Lake Matana is famous for its extremely clear waters and the many endemic fish species which have arisen from a single ancestor diversified over time.

1 feet = 12 "

12" = 304.8mm

1 feet = 0.304801m

Ada apa kat dasar laut paling dalam?

"How deep is the deepest sea?"
Jonas from Amsterdam, Holland

The deepest known spot on the planet is called the Challenger Deep, found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench east of the Philippine Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Sounding of the depths in the Mariana Trench measure 11,033 meters (36,198 feet). This is approximately 2180 meters (7152 feet) deeper than the tallest mountain on the Earth抯 surface, Mount Everest (8,846 meters: 29,022 feet)! (Source: NOAA)

The deepest known fish in the oceans are brotulids Abyssobrotula found in trenches at over 8000 m and thus in the Hadal or Hadopelagic zone. The record appears to be an Abyssobrotula galatheae at 8372m in the Puerto Rico trench .

A viperfish, Chauliodus macouni

The owlfish, Bathylagus pacificus, photographed in Monterey Bay is named for its enormous eyes

Blackbelly dragonfish, Stomias atriventer
The lure tip is luminous and three pronged, perhaps to mimic the appendages of a small crustacean?

dollar hatchetfish (Sternoptyx sp.)

Giant grenadier
Albatrossia pectoralis (ob)
(500-1600m mainly)

slender snipe eels, Nemichthys scolopaceus

Blob sculpin (ob)
Psychrolutes phrictus
(550-1400m; possibly to 2800m)

A large gelatinous zooplankton (jellyfish) collected May-June 2003 during the Russian RV Smolensk cruise to the northern most MAR-ECO area

footballfish, family (Himantolophidae)

Ichthyococcus sp
Gonostomatids are the most abundant fish in the world not because they are particularly abundant in any one location but because they are found in all the worlds oceans in the mesopelagic realm

Snailfishes, Careproctus longifilis
filmed in Monterey Canyon just off the bottom at 3000 meters

Rattail or popeye grenadier
Coryphaenoides cinereus (ob)
(550-1800m mainly)

A fanfin anglerfish glowing lure attracts fishes and other deep sea animals.
Caulophryne sp
midwater (2,297-3,281 feet, or 700-3,000 m)

Deep sea anglerfish
Melanocetus johnsonii
midwater (2,297-3,281 feet, or 700-1,000 meters)

.Idiacanthus antrostomus
The males are small, about three inches (8 cm) in length, and brownish in color. They have no teeth, no chin barbel and no stomach. Unable to eat, the male lives only long enough to mate.

Pacific Hagfish
Eptatretus stoutii
seafloor, 30-2,600 feet (10-790 m)
-----Also known as slime eels, hagfish are primitive fishes. They have five hearts, no jaws, no true eyes and no stomach. They have poor vision but a very good sense of smell and touch.

Spotted Ratfish
Hydrolagus colliei
seafloor, to 3,300 feet (1,000 m); in Monterey Bay they are most common at 98-200 feet (30-61 m)
sirip dorsal yang besar macam sayap burung

The fish of the deep sea are among the most elusive and unusual looking creatures on Earth. Since many of these fish live in regions where there is no natural illumination, they cannot rely solely on their eyesight for locating prey and mates and avoiding predators; deep sea fish have evolved appropriately to the extreme sub-photic region in which they live. Many deep sea fish are bioluminescent, with extremely large eyes adapted to the dark, and they can have long feelers to help them locate prey or attract mates in the pitch dark of the deep ocean. The deep sea angler fish in particular has a long fishing-rod-like adaptation protruding from its face, on the end of which is a bioluminescent piece of skin that wriggles like a worm to lure its prey. The lifecycle of deep sea fish can be either permanently deeply submerged or they are sometimes born in shallower water and sink on becoming adults.

Due to the poor level of photosynthetic light reaching deep sea environments, most fish need to rely on organic matter sinking from higher levels, or, in rare cases, hydrothermal vents. This makes the deep sea much poorer in productivity than shallower regions, with most deep sea fish noticeably smaller and have larger mouths and guts than those known to us. It has also been found that the deeper a fish lives, the more jelly-like its flesh and the more minimal its bone structure. This makes them slower and less agile than surface fish.

-taken from wikipedia

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TELL ME WHY -DECLAN GALBRAITH - a children's tribute